
Monday, November 21, 2022

Love is Fur-legged word Tutorial





Supplies Need

Puppy Love Kit HERE

PSP Tube HERE (by© misticheskaya)

Love is Fur-legged word Tutorial

1. Open psp program go to File new size 700 x 700 transparent image

2. Open Circle Frame 2 go to Edit>Copy now go to the transparent image go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move it up a little

3. Open Circle Frame 1 go to Image>Resize 95% now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the green circle frame on top of the pink

4. Open Rose Bud 1 go to Image>Resize 45% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it on the top of the circle on the right side as shown above once in place go to Layers>Duplicate, Image>Mirror and move the 2nd rose down a little lining both roses together as shown above

5. Open Candy Box 3 go to Image>Resize 35% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the gift box with the balloons on the right side beneath the roses as shown above

6. Open Rose Bud 2 go to Image>Resize 25% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top of your image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the pink rose down on the bottom of the pink heart box then go to Layers>Duplicate, Image>Mirror and move it on the top of the pink box as shown above (hide a little)

7. Open Puppy go to Image>Resize 45% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the puppy between the pink roses (adjust it) (keep the element open)

8.  Open the psp girl design here as I did above or as you like, now go to the magic pink go to Edit>Copy then Edit>Paste into Image then once you have the girl design as you want go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible then go to Edit>Copy then go to Edit>Paste into Image (of the girl) when you close the psp tube click no (don't save as that, that way the next time open all layers open) now go to the girl tube go to Image>Resize height 500 pixels click okay and the magic pink set it aside we get to it later go to step 9

9. Take the girl go to Edit>Copy now go down beneath the puppy layer go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place her on the left side of the circle frame and adjust her with the puppy as shown above

10. Go to the puppy we save go to Image>Mirror now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool this time move the puppy in front of the girl as shown above

11. Go to your 3d Effects>Drop Shadow of 0 0 60 25 black on the girl and the 2 puppy's it give it depth

12. Open the word art Love is a Fur-legged word and go to Image>Resize 65% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the word art into the inner of the circle as shown above

13. Open the magic pink we set aside go to Image>Resize 65% then go to Edit>Copy now go down to the green circle frame go beneath it then go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool adjust the pink magic into the inner circle as it will fit into place as shown above

14. Open Holly Lollypop 2 (or 1 I use 2) go to Image>Resize 25% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it into the girl hand on the left side then take your small eraser and erase (just tab) right where her fingers and hand is as if she is holding the candy

15. Open Cup 3 go to Image>Resize 35% then go to Edit>Copy now go down beneath the girl tube layer go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the cup down by her and the puppy (next to the rose) as shown above (it hide the green circle frame bottom)

16. Open Paper 9 add it to your foreground pattern 0 angle, 100 scale click okay now go down to the transparent image go to Layers>Add new raster layer with your paint brush paint the pale peace glitter paper into the circle frame as shown above (it will make the magic pink glow)

17. Go to the word art go to your 3d Effects>Drop Shadow with this setting of 2 2 70 2 white color click okay

18. Go to the top image layers go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible

19. Add copyright as shown below 

© misticheskaya

 Add copyright license as mine is #0520

Add Kit by Tinkers Boo (gives me credit for the kit)

20. Add your name as I did above I use the following below

 Font Fiolex Girls

Color #030303

I want to curve mine and I use the size 20, I add on a new transparent image then crop it then size 80% then add to the tag because I couldn't the font to write properly so I did it this way .. xoxo

21. Go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible

22. Crop tool and crop the tag out of the extra transparent image (optional)

23. Go to File save as PNG Format this completes this tutorial look for other tutorials to come with my puppy love designs under Misc and Valentine tutorials
thanks for stopping by we hope you enjoy your stay

Hugs Tinkers Boo
written Jan 24th, 2022


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