
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Land of the Free Tutorial 





Need Supplies 

4th of July Kit HERE
PSP Tube Michelle  HERE (by© Avroraart8 )

Land of the Free Tutorial 

1. Open psp program go to File new size 700 x 700 transparent image 

2. Open Frame 1 go to Edit>Copy now go to the transparent image go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it on left side move up a little 

3. Open Frame 4 go to Image>Resize 50% then go to Image>Free Rotate Left 25 click okay then go to Edit>Copy go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it on the right side of the frame on the top then go to Layers>Duplicate, Image>Mirror and move the bottom blue frame on the bottom line the two together 

4. Open Frame 3 go to Image>Resize 50% then go to Edit>Copy then go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it into the center of the two blue frames 

5. Open the word art Red White Blue go to Image>Resize 90% then go to Edit>Copy now go down to the transparent image go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the word art down into the inner frame of 1 

6. Open the word art Land of the Free go to Image>Resize 70% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top of your image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the word art down on the bottom inner frame as shown above

7. Open Paper 6 add it to your foreground pattern 0 angle 100 scale click okay now go down beneath the red frame go to Layers>Add new raster layer with your paint brush paint the red into the inner of the frame that red with the stars

8. Open Paper 5 add it to your foreground pattern 0 angle, 100 scale click okay now go down to the bottom of the two blue frames go to Layers>Add new raster layer click on your paint brush and paint the blue paper in the inner blue frame on the top 

9. Add the solid white into your foreground colors then click on your paint brush and in the same layer paint the white solid color into the lower blue frame 

10. Add this solid color #093c7b blue and solid color #b70225 red then go to your gradient go to the 4th with the setting of 0 angle, 45 repeats click okay now go down to the bottom of your transparent image then click on your paint brush and paint it into the inner frame of the strips 

11. Go to the strips gradient paper we paint go to Selections>Select all>Float then go to Layers>Add new raster layer add the solid white into your ground click on your paint can and paint the white into the marching ants then go to Selections>Select None then go down to the white paper layer and change the transparent image to 38 

12. Open Corner 2 go to Image>Resize 65% then go to Edit>Copy go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the floral corner on the top left side of the large frame 

13. Open Corner 3 go to Image>Mirror then go to Image>Resize 35% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the floral corner on top of the red frame 

14. Open American Flag go to Image>Resize 45% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the blue paper go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool slide the flag into the upper top blue frame as shown above 

15. Open psp tube of Michelle and the cupcake 1 take the cupcake go to Image>Resize 55% then go to Edit>Copy go down to where the strawberry are then go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the cupcake into her hand then go to the cupcake transparent lower it then use your eraser tool to erase it off her hand then once down place the cupcake back to 100 % on the transparent image then design her as I did above or as you wish then go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible then go to Edit>Copy Edit>Paste into Image close the original click no then go to the Image go to Image>Resize height 500 pixels click okay then go to step 16

16. Take the Girl go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place her on the left side (adjust the word art of the red white blue) keep the girl tube open 

17. Go to the tube go to Image>Mirror now go to Edit>Copy go down to the red paper go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place her head into the inner red frame then erase the rest of her parts outside of the frame then go to girl head go to Layers>Overlay then Hard light 

18. Open Banner 1 go to Image>Resize 65% then go to Edit>Copy now go down to the strip frame go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool slide it on the bottom of the frame now take your eraser and erase the banner on the right side then move it down to the transparent image little an continue to erase the right side then adjust it on the lower frame behind the girl (if need erase anything on the right side)

19. Open Blowpipe 2 go to Image>Resize 35% then go to Edit>Copy go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the blowpipe up by her knees as shown above 

20. Go to the top image layers go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible adjust the image tag in your transparent image

21. Add copyright as shown below 

© Avroraart8

Copyright license as mine is #0520

22. Add your name as I did the following below 

Font Signature of the Ancient 

Color black 

23. Go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible 

24. Go to File save as PNG Format this completes this tutorial may you enjoy the design and look for other Patriotic tags tutorials to come soon 

Hugs Tinkers Boo

written July 4th, 2022


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