
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Home of the Brave Tutorial 



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4th July Kit HERE

Home of the Brave Tutorial 

1. Go to File new size 700 x 700 transparent image 

2. Right Click the templates HERE and HERE 

Take the Circle go to Image>Resize 500 height pixels click okay then go to Edit>Copy then go to the transparent image then go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer move it up a little. Then take the heart go to Image>Negative (turn it white) go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it on the left side 

3. Open Papers 3, 4, 5, 6 on Paper 3 & 4 you will add it as 45 angle, 50 scale the other papers you will use as 0 angle, 100 scale in your foreground pattern 

 3a. Do the blue stars and the blue paper 1st go to Selections>Select all>Float then go to Layers>Add new raster layer click on your paint can and paint the blue star paper into the marching ants then go to Selections>Select All>Modify>Contrast 25 click okay then go to Layers>Add new raster layer (with your move tool place the transparent above the blue star paper then change the foreground pattern to the blue gradient paper then click your paint can and paint the blue gradient into the marching ants then go to your 3d Effects>Drop Shadow of 2 2 50 2 black click okay then again at -2 -2 50 2 black click okay then go to Selections>Select None 

 3b. Do the red stars and the red gradient paper to the heart this time you change the Contrast to 15 add the same drop shadow to it 

4. Open Home of the Brave word art go to Image>Resize 65% then go to Edit>Copy go to the top of the image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the word art on top of the red heart gradient paper then go to Layers>Duplicate, go to Image>Negative (turn it white) then move it over a little giving it a 3d view 

5. Open American Flag 2 go to Edit>Copy now go down to the white heart template go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it into the inner blue circle 

6. Open American Flag 1 go to Image>Resize 500 height pixels click okay then go to Edit>Copy now go to your images layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it on top of the 1st flag we it will overlap with one another 

7.Open Flower Lamp 1 go to Edit>Copy now go to your images go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the lamp on to of the flags as shown above once in place take your eraser and erase the green stem beneath the heart 

8. Open Flower 2 go to Windows>Duplicate two times then close the original out 

 8a. Take one of the flowers go to Image>Resize 40% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it on top of the flower lamp (it will fit into place) 

 8b. Take the other Flower go to Image>Mirror then go to Image>Resize 45% then go to Edit>Copy then go to the top of the image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the flowers on top of the right side of the heart then once in place go to Layers>Duplicate with your move tool move the duplicate flowers on top of the blue circle as shown above 

9. Open Eagle 1 go to Image>Mirror then go to Image>Resize 45% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the eagle on top of the flowers as shown above

10. Open Cookie Patriotic 1 go to Image>Resize 70% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place Cookie down on the right 

11. Open Eagle 2 go to Image>Resize 45% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the eagle in Cookie hand 

12. Close off Cookie open the Fence go to Image>Resize 70% then go to Edit>Copy now go down to the flower lamp go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the fence down on the blue circle then re open Cookie 

13.Open Puppy 2 go to Image>Resize 30% then go Image>Mirror to Edit>Copy then go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the puppy on the right side (cover her hand)

14. Open Puppy 3 go to Image>Resize 35% then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the puppy down in front of Cookie feet and legs once in place take your eraser and erase the foot of Cookie on the red heart 

15. Open Rose Bud 3 (white) go to Image>Resize 25% then go to Edit>Copy now go down to the red heart paper layer then go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it behind the puppy 

16. Open Rose Bud 1 (red) go to Image>Resize 25% then go to Edit>Copy now go to your images go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the red rose bud on top of the white one behind the puppy as shown above (keep the element open) 

17. Open Rose Bud 2 (blue) go to Image>Resize 25% then go to Edit>Copy then go to your images go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with this place the blue rose bud next to the red one as shown above (keep the element open)

18. Close off Cookie and the flower on the right side of the heart layers 

19. Take the red rose bud go to Edit>Copy now go down to the fence and go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the red rose down on the fence 

20. Take the blue rose bud do step 19 again this time place it next to the red rose bud on the fence 

21. Open Flower and Cookie image and then adjust the rose behind cookie with the fence 

22. Open Grass go to Image>Resize width 500 pixels click okay then go to Edit>Copy now go down to the fence layer go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the grass beneath Cookie and the puppy doggies 

23. Go to the top image layers go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible and adjust the image tag into the transparent image

24. Add copyright as shown below 

© TinkersBoo

Add your copyright license mine is #0520 

25. Add your name as I did the following below 

Font Some Weatz Swashes

Color #ffffff

26. Go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible 

This completes this tutorial and look for other patriotic tutorials with this scrap kit and thanks for purchasing all designs are include in the kit for you thanks for stopping by and Happy 4th of July

Hugs Tinkers Boo 

written July 4th, 2022


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