
Thursday, November 24, 2022

 Coffee Spice Tutorial




 Coffee Spice Tutorial

Need Supplies 

Paint Shop Program 

Coffee Cafe Bakery Kit HERE

PSP Tube HERE (by © StellaFelice7)


1. Open psp program go to File new size 700 x 700 transparent image 

2. Open Circle Frame 1 go to Edit>Copy now go to the transparent image go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer

3. Open Circle Frame 2 go to Image>Resize 90% now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer 

4. Open Hay go to Image>Resize 55% then go to Image>Mirror now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the hay down on the lower right side of the frames

5. Open Grass Stub go to Edit>Copy now go down beneath the hay go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the grass stub behind the hay as shown above 

6. Open Leaves 1 go to Image>Resize 2 times at 55% now go to Edit>Copy now go to the image go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the leaves above the grass stub on the right side of the frame behind the hay as shown above

7. Open Pumpkin 1 go to Image>Resize 35% now go to Edit>Copy now go to your images go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the pumpkin behind the hay but as shown above 

8. Open Jar 2 go to Image>Resize 20% now go to Edit>Copy now go top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the green jar down in front of the hay as shown above

9. Open Jar 1 do step 8 again

10. Open Jar Coffee Spice do step 8 again add it in front of the other 2 jars and adjust your jars til your happy as I did above 

11. Open Frog to Image>Resize 25% now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the frog on top of the hay as shown above then add a drop shadow of 0 0 60 10 black click okay 

12. Open Scarecrow 2 go to Image>Mirror then go to Image>Resize 45% now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool move the scarecrow in front of the hay on the right side as shown above then add the same drop shadow as before 

13. Open psp girl go Windows>Duplicate now design the girl the way you want or as I have above do not close the layers open your Cup Mocha go to Image>Mirror then go to Image>Resize 80% now go to Edit>Copy now click on the coffee cup then go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer close off the cup layer and adjust the mocha cup into the hand go down to 46% on the cup and erase the handle on the hand of the cup once please take it back to 100% then go to Windows>Duplicate do the steps below of A & B

  A. Go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible with the cup mocha then go Edit>Copy Edit>Paste into Image then go  to Image>Resize 500 height pixels click okay

  B. Delete the cup mocha go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible then go Edit>Copy Edit>Paste into Image then to Image>Resize 650 height pixels click okay 

When you close them out click No that you don't save it the way we create it for this tutorial 

14.  Take the girl without the cup and go to Edit>Copy now down beneath the frame layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool adjust the girl into the inner frames erase her that is showing beneath the elements move her up to erase the rest then place her back into the image 

15. Take the girl with the cup go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place her on the left side of the circle frames as shown above once in place add drop shadow on 0 0 60 10 black click okay 

16. Open Paper 3 add it to your foreground pattern 0 angle, 100 scale click okay now click on the airbrush size 50 go down to the transparent image paint the green paper into the inner frame now go to your girl go to Layers>Overlay then continue to paint the green paper on the girl and your inner image now once down painting go to Adjust>Blur then go to the Girl image go to Layers>Duplicate 

17. Open leaves 1 go to Image>Resize 55% 2 time then go to Edit>Copy now go down beneath the girl with the mocha cup go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it on the frame behind the girl on the right side as shown above (keep the element open)

18. Go to the Element of Leaves go to Image>Free Rotate right 35 click okay now go to Image>Mirror now go to Edit>Copy now go down beneath the leaves behind the hay go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the leaves on the left side of the frame the end of the branch will hide behind the leaves behind the hay 

19. Open Leaves 3 go to Image>Resize 55% now go to Edit>Copy now go down beneath the jars layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the leaves beneath the girl with the cup mocha 

20. Open Leaves 2 go to Image>Resize 55% then go to Image>Mirror now go to Edit>Copy now go down beneath the green leaves go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the orange leaves blend with the green leaves as shown above 

21. Open Harvest Basket 1 or 2 I use 1 go to Image>Resize 25% now go to Edit>Copy go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the basket on the right side of the girl 

22. Go to your 3d Effects>Drop Shadow of 0 0 60 10 black click okay do the girl with the mocha cup, the harvest basket, the scarecrow, the frog if you didn't already 

23. Go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible

24. Add copyright as shown below 

© StellaFelice7

Add copyright license as mine is # 0520 add your name to the pumpkin if you wish as I did above

25. Go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible 

26. Go to File save as PNG Format this completes this tutorial 

Hugs Tinkers Boo 

written Sept 21st, 2021 


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