
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Cafe Tutorial




Cafe Tutorial

Need the Supplies below

Paint Shop Program

Baker Cafe Coffee Kit HERE

PSP Tube HERE (by © StellaFelice7 )

Background HERE (my Facebook Group)

1. Open File new size 700 x 700 transparent image 

2. Open Circle Frame 1 go to Edit>Copy now go to the transparent image go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer 

3. Open Cup Coffee go to Image>Resize 55%  now go to Edit>Copy go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it down on the bottom left side of the circle frame as shown above

4. Open Coffee Beans go to Image>Resize 25% now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place it on top of the plate of coffee once in place go to Layers>Duplicate move beans a little over as shown above 

5. Open Sign 2 go to Image>Resize 35% then go to Image>Free Rotate Left 35% click okay now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the sign on the frame cluster as shown above

6. Open Leaves1 go to Image>Resize 35% then go to Image>Free Rotate Right 20% click okay now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the leaves on the left side of the frame then once place go to Layers>Duplicate. Image>Mirror 

7. Open Flower 1 go to Image>Resize 25% now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool the flower on top of the leaves on the left side then go to Layers>Duplicate, Image>Mirror 

8. Open Small Bow 1 go to Image>Resize 45% then go to Image>Free Rotate Left 20% click okay then go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the orange bow on top of the chain as shown above 

9. Open Coffee Wafers go to Image>Resize 25% now go to Edit>Copy now go to the top image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place the coffee wafers down in front of the cup 

10. Close off all layers except your circle frame 

11. click on your magic wand inside the circle frame then go to Selections>Modify>Expand 30 click okay now highlight the transparent image below the frame

12. Open the background image (click okay if you need to) then go to Edit>Copy then go to Edit>Paste into Selection then go to Layers make it soft ware 100% then go to Selections>Select None. 

13. Re open the other elements go to your 3d Effects>Drop Shadow of 0 0 60 10 black click okay do it to your cafe sign and other elements if you wish too 

14. Open Psp girl go to Windows>Duplicate now decorate her as you want or as I have above, close off the layers don't want once happy go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible then go to Edit>Copy then go to Edit>Paste into Image now go to Image>Mirror now go to Image>Resize 500 height pixel click okay now go to Edit>Copy now go the top of your image layers go to Edit>Paste into new raster layer with your move tool place her on the right side of your frame as shown above then add the same drop shadow as before 

15. Add the copyrights as shown below

 © StellaFelice7

Copyright your licensee # mine is 0520 

Then add your name if you wish and your choice of font 

16. Go to the top image layers go to Layers>Merge>Merge Visible 

17. Go to File save as PNG Format this completes the tutorial 

Hugs Tinkers Boo 

written Sept 16th, 2021


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